Welcome To Our Shop!

Potted Australian Pygmy sundews and a variety of Venus Flytraps are now available! We are adding even more in coming weeks! They have colored up nicely! We have restocked some of our Utricularia and Sarracenia!

VENUS FLYTRAPS only $12.95! So many COOL cultivars!

We have added new items to our Houseplant Section! Primulinas and Philodendrons have been stocked.

Our FLAT RATE SHIPPING is only $14.95. We will continue to add a 40 hour heatpack if necessary.

Visits to the greenhouse are available! Just contact us to schedule an appointment.
WE ARE NOW OPEN ON FRIDAYS FROM 10-4. Follow our Facebook page for the most current news, photos and updates.

We do appreciate your support of our small business!

We are growing, thanks to YOU!

Sarracenia purpurea